Looking for low or no-cost ways to bring a little fun into the workplace and show your employees you value them?

为成功大声欢呼, incent innovation, 为你的一天提供合适的衣服, 给予休息时间和灵活性, 提供停车福利, 偶尔给你一个惊喜, 提供领导午餐, 比赛和音乐会, 名片和计划培养下一代. 请继续阅读有关这些福利的详细信息.

Here are 10 low-cost ideas to help increase job satisfaction at your company.

1. 大声喊出成功

当员工超越自己的时候, 用便条感谢他们的出色表现, 或者在别人面前认出他们. Telling employees why you appreciate them is powerful and can make a huge difference in your organization over the long-term.

LBMC的“两次鼓掌”活动是为了表扬工作出色的员工. 这些推荐首先在各自的团队中分享, and then via LBMC’s weekly employee newsletter and internal digital signage, 这两份报告都是由公司的员工看到的. Recognizing employees through internal communication vehicles is a simple but effective way to enhance fulfillment in the workplace.

2. Incent innovation

Some of the best ideas for making improvements at your company undoubtedly come from your employees. 通过设立创意箱来鼓励和激励创新. 当员工提出能为公司省钱的想法时, 产生新产品, or improve efficiency, 奖励他们的前瞻性思维. 礼券或现金奖励 can go a long way in promoting ingenuity and will pay off for both the company and the staff.

LBMC成立了一个创新中心,奖励节省时间的创意, save money, drive revenue, improve processes, 改善客户体验. All ideas are acknowledged with gift cards and are reviewed for feasibility, 执行情况及季度奖励. 没有立即执行的想法会被保留下来供考虑.

3. Dress for your day

If your company doesn’t already have a casual dress day, why not initiate one? According to a recent survey by the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), 大多数公司允许每周有一天或更多的便装日. Having the freedom to dress down a little adds to employee morale without costing a dime, 但一定要传达你的政策,以防止混淆. 帮助你制定商务休闲装政策, view SHRM’s Business Attire Policy to see basic guidelines for appropriate workplace attire.

LBMC has a dress for your day program based on direct employee feedback. 自推出以来,该项目取得了巨大的成功. Our employees told us it was important to them and it’s a no-cost way to increase employee morale with a huge upside. As long as you clearly communicate the guidelines, there’s very little downside. This policy has also helped us attract new talent as most employees now expect a casual dress environment as more and more companies head in that direction.

4. 休息时间和灵活性

Time off and flex time can make a significant difference in the quality of life for your employees. Make sure your PTO and work remote policies promote work-life balance in your organization.

LBMC offers summer flex Fridays as well as work remote options for eligible employees who meet performance standards. 专利商标法自雇员入职之日起生效, and a purchased PTO option for additional time off is offered as well.

5. 提供停车福利

Recognize high-achieving employees with a special parking space for a week –  or even a month. 就为了一点油漆, you can designate a parking spot near your office entrance as a reward. An “Employee of the Month” parking space is a high visibility way to acknowledge good work.

6. Sweet treats, anyone?

需要一个下午来接我? We’ve all been there. A surprise treat is a fun, inexpensive way to brighten your employees’ day. 公共区域的饼干可以增进友情, 桌上的糖果会把员工吸引到你的办公室. 而你的团队成员正在吃甜食, they may share some crucial info that can help your progress on a project.

7. Leadership lunches

If you have a kitchen onsite, ask leadership to cook breakfast or make lunch for the staff. Your employees will get a kick out of being served by their managers. 即使你没有准备这顿饭的地方, 你可以聘请一个宴会承办商,仍然享受一起用餐的乐趣. Giving your employees regular opportunities to socialize with leadership will go a long way in improving your company culture.

Hint: Provide treats and meals randomly to keep the surprise element. If offered on a predictable schedule, they may be viewed as a given.

8. Contests and concerts

比赛和绘画可以给工作场所增添乐趣. 赠送两张电影票作为奖励,以奖励一个目标, 或者举办周五下午的音乐会门票抽奖活动.

LBMC shares board member perks with employees; for example, the firm hosts regular symphony ticket drawings for any employee who enters. Find out if your leaders are involved in organizations that provide freebies they can share. 你的员工和组织都会感谢你.

9. Business card boost

即使你有一个小生意, you can order inexpensive business cards to make each employee feel like a valuable member of your team. 您可以轻松有效地设计您的名片 Canva的免费名片制作. There are many online companies that print and ship business cards at a great value. Vistaprint is just one and promo codes are often available for additional discounts.

10. 培育下一代

Does your organization have an affinity group for young professionals? 如果没有,考虑组建一个. Developing young talent today – to become leaders tomorrow – is vital to your company’s long-term success.

LBMC’s award-winning 青年专业人员(YP)计划, which focuses on the firm’s professionals during the first seven years of their careers, 培养领导能力, 促进团队合作和网络, and creates a foundation for client development and lead generation. The YP group has a formal leadership structure that supports and fosters an ongoing dialogue with membership. Members provide regular feedback on issues important to them or areas where they may need support. 最近的话题包括如何成为非营利组织的董事会成员, 社区义工机会, 团队建设活动, 以及领导力发展.


虽然送礼物可能是感谢员工的传统方式, 你不必倾家荡产来让员工感到受到重视. Make sure any reward program you implement follows the IRS rules on employee gifts – awards to employees are deductible expenses for employers.

To learn more about 给员工的礼品税,看看这个关于员工赠予税的博客. The good news is most of the perks mentioned in this article don’t cost anything, 通常,不花钱的礼物才是最有意义的.

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